Bible Story: David from 1 Samuel 17

Parent and Family Background


Many years and generations after Moses, God chose David to lead the people. David was a shepherd boy who grew up to be a king of God’s people.

In this story, David, the young shepherd boy whom Samuel had recently anointed as king, is brought to Saul. Saul needs David to play the lyre so that he will feel better. Much to everyone’s surprise, David goes to battle against Goliath. Young David kills Goliath with his slingshot.




1 Samuel 17

In those days, Saul and his army of Israelites were fighting against the Philistines. Jesse’s three oldest sons went with Saul into battle and Jesse’s youngest son, David, remained at home tending sheep.

One day, Jesse came to David and said, “Take this bread to your brothers and bring this cheese to the field officer.”

David set out on his errand. He reached the camp just as the Israelites headed into battle against the Philistines. David rushed to his brothers in the battle line. Just as he arrived at the line, the Philistine champion, named Goliath, shouted at the Israelites.

When the Israelites saw this man, they retreated, very much afraid. They said to David, “Do you see this man? He comes to insult Israel. If anyone should kill him, the king would give him great wealth and his daughter as well.”

When David’s brother, Eliab, heard him speaking with the men, he grew angry with David and said, “Why did you come here? With whom did you leave the sheep? I know your arrogance and evil intent. You came here to enjoy the battle!”

David replied, “What have I done now? I was only talking.”

Saul heard that David was asking about the Philistine champion, so he sent for David. David came to Saul and said, “Do not let your majesty lose courage. I am at your service to go and fight this Philistine.”

Saul answered David, “You cannot go against this Philistine. You are only a youth. Goliath has been a warrior since his youth.”

Then David said to Saul, “I tend my father’s sheep. Whenever a lion or a bear comes, I attack it and rescue the sheep. The Lord who delivered me from the claws of a lion and a bear will also keep me safe from this Philistine.”

David picked up five small stones and put them in his shepherd’s bag. And with his sling in his hand, he approached the Philistine.

The Philistine then moved to meet David. David put his hand into his bag and took out a stone. He hurled it at Goliath with his sling. The stone struck the Philistine in the forehead, and he fell prostrate on the ground.

When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they fled.

Saul then asked his general, Abner, “Whose son is that boy?”

Abner replied, “I have no idea.”

So when David returned from killing Goliath, Abner took him to Saul. Saul then asked David, “Whose son are you?”

David answered, “I am the son of Jesse of Bethlehem.”

Connecting to Faith First - Legacy Edition
Grade 1, chapter 25
Grade 6, chapters 14, 17 and 24
Junior High, Mystery of God, chapter 2
Junior High, Church and Sacraments, chapter 5
Junior High, Jesus in the New Testament, chapter 2

Connecting to Faith First®
Grade 3, chapter 21
Grade 4, chapter 1
Grade 5, chapter 19
Grade 6, chapters 14 and 24
Junior High, Creed ad Prayer, chapters 2, 17 and 18
Junior High, Liturgy and Morality, chapter 2