Grade 1 Activities



Many of the children in your group are receiving their first religion textbook. Help them to understand that this book is not like their other school textbooks. This book is special because it will help them come to know more about God.

Consider beginning your catechetical year with a blessing for the children and their textbooks. Use the blessing included below.

1 Click here to download "Blessing for the Children and their Books"



In Chapter 2, the children learn about God's creation. Use the creative drama below to encourage the children to act out God's creation.

Gather the children in a large open space where they can move freely. Explain that you are going to read the story of God's creation. As you read the story, they are to silently act it out. For example, when they hear you tell about fish, they can pretend they are fish swimming in the sea. Encourage them to move freely and carefully around the room. Remind them that they must remain silent so that everyone can hear you read the story.

1Click here to download "Creation Drama"



In this chapter, the children learned about the Holy Family. Help the children understand that their own families are like the Holy Family. Use the following activity to help the children recognize that all families are holy.

1Click here to download "All Families Are Holy"



Throughout the year, you will have many opportunities to have the children role-play or act out the scripture stories. Children enjoy putting themselves in the story. Acting out a story helps the children to remember and understand each story. Use the following ideas to help the children understand the scripture stories you will read this year.

1Click here to download "Acting Out Scripture Stories"



In Chapter 5, the children learn about Jesus' love for us. This is an appropriate time to teach the children the song, "Jesus Loves Me." If you do not know the melody for this song, you can sing it to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle."

1Click here to download "Jesus Loves Me"



In Chapter 6, the children learn about the Good Samaritan. On page 55, ask the children to talk about a time when someone helped them. Use the form below to encourage the children to write thank-you notes to the Good Samaritans in their lives.

1Click here to download "A Thank You Note to My Good Samaritan"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Holy Spirit. They begin to comprehend that the Holy Spirit helps us to make good choices. Even though they cannot see the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is always with them. Make windsocks with the children to help them understand that the Spirit is like the wind. We cannot see the wind, but even on the calmest days, it is there. Windsocks help us to see that the invisible wind is present.

1Click here to download "Making Windsocks"



In this chapter, the children learn that the Church is the people of God. This is a good time to take the children your parish church.

1Click here to download "Going to Church"



In this chapter the children learn about the early Christians. They will come to understand how the early Christians lived as followers of Jesus. We too live as followers of Christ, just as the early Christians did. Use a game of Follow the Leader to help the children understand what it means to follow.

1Click here to download "Playing Follow the Leader"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Church year as they read about the liturgical seasons. They will also be able to recognize the colors of each liturgical season. At mass, most first graders will be drawn to the liturgical environment: banners, candles, wreaths, and vestments. Help the children recognize what they already know about the liturgical seasons by using the following activity.

1Click here to download "Drawing Their Church"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Church's celebrations. Page 176 of the catechist guide suggests that the children role-play baptism. Use the following to help the children role-play this sacrament.

1Click here to download "Role-playing Baptism"



In this chapter the children read a scripture story and learn about baptism. As suggested on Page 187 of the catechist guide, take some time to explain that people of all ages can be baptized. This is an appropriate time to invite a guest who prepared for baptism through the RCIA process and was baptized at the Easter Vigil. Use the following guidelines to help prepare your guest.

1Click here to download "Inviting a Guest"



In this chapter, the children learn about the Mass. This is an opportune time to take your group to the church.

1Click here to download "Visiting the Church"



In this chapter, the children read a story from scripture, "Jesus Feeds a Crowd." This is the story where Jesus feeds a large crowd of people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Encourage the children to use their imaginations as they try to picture this story. Then invite them to make a mural.

1Click here to download "Making a Mural"



In this chapter, the children learn about God's love. This is an appropriate time to share Psalm 136 with the children. Use the following children's translation of Psalm 136 to pray as a response psalm with the children.

1Click here to download "Psalm 136:1-9"



In this chapter, the children learn about how we live as a family. Page 239 of the catechist guide explains how family members help one another. This is an appropriate time to help the children write thank-you notes. Use the format below to have the children write notes to the people who have been good to them.

1Click here to download "Writing Thank You Notes"



In this chapter, the children learn about how we live as a community. On page 250 of the Catechist Guide, they learn that we each have gifts. Follow the directions below to pray with the children as they each share their special gifts.

1Click here to download "Praying a Litany"



In this chapter, the children learn about Moses. God sent Moses to lead the Israelites across the desert. Make this story come alive for the children by inviting them all to act it out at the same time.

1Click here to download "Acting Out the Story"



In this chapter the children learn that the Ten Commandments teach us to love God. Follow the directions below to have the children make murals of how they show their love for God.

1Click here to download "Making Murals"



In this chapter the children learn that the commandments teach us to love others. Follow the directions below to have the children make murals of how they show their love for others.

1Click here to download "Making Murals"



In this chapter the children learn about forgiveness. On page 302 of the Catechist Guide, the children name words or actions that show forgiveness. Follow the directions below to help the children illustrate their ideas.

1Click here to download "Drawing Forgiveness Cartoons"



In this chapter the children learn about God's care for them. Follow the directions below to have the children make thank you notes for the people who care for them.

1Click here to download "Making Thank You Notes"



In this chapter, the children learn about prayer. On page 203 of the Catechist Guide, the children read about when and where they pray. Follow the directions below to encourage the children to share how they pray.

1Click here to download "Sharing When and Where We Pray"



In this chapter, the children learn that Jesus teaches us to pray. On page 340 of the Catechist Guide, the children learn that God hears our prayers. This is an appropriate time to teach the children prayers of petition as we pray them at Mass. Follow the directions below.

1Click here to download "Praying Prayers of Petition"


In this chapter the children learn about prayer gestures. Follow the directions for the game below to help the children learn these gestures.

1Click here to download "Playing Prayer Gestures Simon Says"


In this chapter, the children learn the Our Father or Lord's Prayer. Follow the directions below to help the children practice this prayer at home.

1Click here to download "Practicing the Our Father"