Morality - Life in Christ Activities



In this chapter, the children learn about the connection between happiness and holiness. Living holy lives leads us to happiness. Follow the directions below to help the children better understand this connection.

1 Click here to download "Happiness Is"


In this chapter, the children read about the Rich Young Man in the Gospel of Mark. As they reflect on this reading they learn about the cost and rewards of living as disciples. This is an excellent time to encourage the children to find out more about saints and heroes/heroines of the church that lived lives of poverty in order to reap the rewards of discipleship.

1 Click here to download "Researching Saints and Heroes/Heroines of the Church"


In this chapter, you are encouraged to share Psalm 139 with the children. You might like to use this version of the psalm as written for their grade level.

1 Click here to download "Psalm 139"


In this chapter, the children learn about the importance of love. Follow the directions below to help the children remember two of the scripture citations they read in this chapter.

1 Click here to download "Making Bookmarks"


In this chapter, the children learn about theological and moral virtues. This is an appropriate time to help the children become more familiar with the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

1 Click here to download "Playing Works of Mercy Charades"


In this chapter, the children learn about God's gift of grace. This is an appropriate time to review the most familiar song we all know about grace, "Amazing Grace."

First of all, invite the children's recollections of times when they sang or heard this song. Can they remember the emotions of the event?

Then, sing the song together. The tune will be familiar. The traditional words of John Newton are provided below. (If you don't think your group will do well singing, read the poetic words and discuss what they mean.)

1 Click here to download "Amazing Grace"


In this chapter, the children learn about the first three commandments. On page 78 of their texts, the children learn the Third Commandment—- Remember to keep holy the Lord's day.

1 Click here to download "The Third Commandment"


In this chapter, the children learn about the numerous disciples or followers of Jesus. Many of these followers were women. Follow the directions below to have the children prepare skits about these important women in scripture.

1 Click here to download "Preparing Skits"


In this chapter, the children learn about the Fourth and Fifth Commandments. They learn that in order to live the commandments, we need to be peacemakers. Follow the directions below to help the children role-play how they can be peacemakers.

1 Click here to download "Being Peacemakers"


In this chapter, the children learn about the Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Commandments. Follow the directions below to have the children prepare skits showing how they can live the Sixth, Seventh, and Ninth Commandments.

1 Click here to download "Preparing Skits"


In this chapter, the children learn about the Eighth and Tenth Commandments. Follow the directions below to have the children prepare skits about following the Eighth Commandment.

1 Click here to download "Preparing Skits"


In this chapter, the children read about the difference between needs and wants. Follow the directions below to help the children name the needs and wants in their own lives.

1 Click here to download "Recognizing Needs and Wants"